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How to Write a Film Review

By Sierra Meighan

For those who enjoy watching film, they can continue their love for the medium by delving in to the world of film critiquing. Not only is it a good way to express your feelings about your favorite movies, it also can help with strengthening your critical thinking skills. This blog post will explore ways to compose film reviews and the tools that can be used to cultivate them.

Preparing your Review

1.     Watching the movie

·      The first thing to begin your critiquing process is to, of course, watch the film. Some people might go into a film blind while others choose to do some research beforehand. In the end it depends on the individual.

2.     Take notes

·      While watching the movie, it’s good to take notes so you can capture your thoughts at that particular time.

3.     Rewatch

·      After watching the movie, take some time and then revisit the movie.[1] This helps with catching things you might have missed the first time around and add on to your list of notes.

Writing the Review

1.     Introduction

2.     Movie Summary

a.     Give a description of the movie’s events. You should go into the writing process assuming that your audience hasn’t seen the movie, so keep spoilers to a minimum. If you simply can’t, then it’s best to give a spoiler warning near the beginning to warn the readers.

3.     Analysis/Critiques

a.     This is where you come in. Now that you’ve described the film’s events, it’s time to give your thoughts. You can use this section to personalize your style of writing. Give your thoughts on the movie and take from your notes to explain your critiques. This is also the most important part of the process, as you’ll be able to give your own thoughts on the film, so don’t be shy about what you discuss and critique.

4.     Conclusion

a.     Finally conclude the review with your closing thoughts. If possible, recommend other movies or shows that you think the reader would enjoy based on what you just discussed.

Just like with any other type of writing, it’s important of course to review your work before you finally submit for publication. This also can serve as the time to being figuring to find your voice. This helps with making yourself distinct from other reviewers. It’s also helpful to consult others about your work. Getting a second opinion can give you ideas to jump off if you’re in a pickle. Another good source for inspiration is to look at other reviewers to get a sense of hwo to structure it. Site like The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Rolling Stone’s arts and entertainment center are good places to look.[2]

Now that you’ve completed your review, it’s time to publish it. Sites like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Letterboxd are good examples, since they’re usually viewed by the average person. But if you want to expand your reach, then writing for publication sites that will pay you is a good place to gain a wider audience and get paid for your work.[3][4]



“33 Publication that Pay for Writing about Movies, Film, and Cinema.” Freedom With Writing. March 12, 2024.

“Film Review.” Thompson Writing Program, Duke University. March 11, 2024.

“How to Write a Movie Review: 9 Essential Tips.” New York Film Academy. April 7, 2023.

Norris, Jessica. “4 Ways to Get Paid to Review Movies (Plus Tips to Get Started). SideHustle. November 11, 2023.


[1] “How to Write a Movie Review: 9 Essential Stepa,” New York Film Academy, April 7, 2023,

[2] “Film Review,” Thompson Writing Program, Duke University March 11, 2024,

[3] Jessica Norris, “4 Ways to Get Paid to Review Movies (Plus Tips to Get Started),” SideHustle, November 11, 2023,

[4] “33 Publication that Pay for Writing About Movies, Films, and Cinema,” Freedom With Writing, March 12, 2024,

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