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How to Review a Film

By Nijah Colston

I get it, it seems like everyone is super into movies right now or as some say, films. You feel like you’re the only person that is just watching movies for the fun of it all but now you want to be the “cool film girl/boy”. I’m here to help with that! First off, lets pick your poison aka the social media platform of your liking to review movies on. Are we doing TikTok? Instagram? Maybe even YouTube? Or are photo/video reviews not meant for you? We could even do Letterboxd, an app made to review movies. The world is your oyster, and I’m just here to help you figure it all out. At least the most basics of it all.

So, you’ve picked your platform to host these reviews.... Now what? Well, what kind of movies do you like? Superhero movies? Full of action and star studded casts? Maybe horror movies, something that makes you grip the ends of your seat the whole time? A good ol indie film by some underrated director that you hope to see win an Oscar one day?You could even do animated movies, those aren’t covered too often but then you have to find out if you’re Disney animated or Studio Ghibli animated. Regardless, it’s good to know what movie niche you fit into, it’ll help find an audience to cater to. This will also be good so you can get username examples of this: A24Luverrr, Ironmans1fan or even Thatscenefromherdiatary.

You have a username, a platform and your pick of movie genres. Now it’s time to write a review, even if it seems scary, you have me to guide you the entire way. It might be best to start with a movie you know like the back of your hand just so you’re able to really dig deep into the film. Some basic questions to ask yourself is if you enjoy this film, and if so what makes it so enjoyable. Is it the plot and how it moves forward or maybe even how the characters speak to each other. Whatever it is, mention that. An example of this would be: In the film I,Tonya we see how they use Margot Robbie (Tonya) to speak about her life and childhood which helps moves us forward in the timeline. Though your review doesn’t have to be as serious, it’s social media, have fun with it. After you’ve written the pros, you can throw in what you didn’t like too, example: I wasn’t a fan of the lighting in this movie, it felt so dark and like I was lost. Just because you love a movie, doesn’t mean its perfect. Lastly, write or give it X amount of stars, if you’re like me then almost every movie you review has 3-5 stars but please, be as harsh as you need.

With the information I’ve given you, now you can become a cool niche film influencer that holds so much power with your 35 followers, or maybe you’ll actually blow up. If so, give me some credit.

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